Small-room acoustics expert

Lars Tofastrud has worked in the field of small-room acoustics since the mid-1990s. He has extensive experience from his time at FM Design Ltd, where he started in 1999, with studio design, studio facility design, loudspeaker tuning, loudspeaker design, and psycho-acoustics.

Nå som Lars har flyttet tilbake til Norge så tilbys disse tjenestene, med personlig kontakt så langt covid-19 tillater det.

Det er mange spennende jern i ilden i disse dager og hvis du tenker å bygge studio så vil jeg anbefale å ta kontakt så tidlig i prosessen som mulig.

Simon Bergseth – Mix Engineer

«Ekstremt trivelig og meget dyktig fyr! Etter en dag med lytting, læring, målinger, posisjonering og justeringer ble den kritiske lyttesituasjonen i studio løftet til neste nivå. Translering av mikser er nå enda mer on point enn tidligere. Lars anbefales på det varmeste!»

Simon Dolmen Bergseth –

Nordisk Film Shortcut AS

Lars Tofastrud designed and calculated room acoustics for us in our four new sound studios.
One of the studios is a larger 7.1.4 Atmos room for mixing TV drama for Netflix, HBO, and NRK, among others. I can not fully praise the work Lars did for us.
I knew before that he has full control of room acoustics. Still, his qualities with CAD, help in understanding the installation of everything from projectors via the mounting system for speakers, and of course, speakers, makes him unique in the industry.
Lars also helped with the tuning, adjustment of EQ curves, and time delays in our new Dolby Atmos-space. An invaluable help here as well.
We will continue to use Lars’ services in the future to improve our existing rooms.
I can warmly recommend Lars’ services.

Pål Svennevig
Nordisk Film Shortcut AS

Oslo Mastering

“I highly recommend Lars for tuning. It makes a world of difference. Forget autotuning; get the Real thing. Tuning demands years of experience and a great ear, and Lars has that and will not give up before everyone is happy.”

Henning Bortne, Oslo Mastering